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Magic Wand Tool for Image Masking and Photo Retouching

Writer: Maria BlassingameMaria Blassingame

Updated: Jul 15, 2019

The Photoshop Magic Wand Tool is a quick and easy way to select and mask certain portions of an image, giving you the ability to alter one part of your image while leaving other parts intact. One of the most common uses of this tool is to swap out or remove the background of a product photo, leaving the subject of the image in place.

Magic wand tool searches for pixels with color and tones. Magic wand tool is great for selecting large, solid blocks of color but it’s not ok when working with a small number of pixels or pictures. But someone can make a few adjustments to get the best benefit from the magic wand tool. Some common rules for doing work with magic wand tools.

For making different kind of transparent background, beautiful or horror picture move magic wand tool is a must. All you need is to be a pro with this tool.

1. Open your item photograph and copy the selection layer

2. Conceal the selection layer

3. Design the Photoshop Magic Wand Tool

4. Make your selection

5. Refine the edges of the selection

6. Supplement another selection into your picture.

The Magic Wand Tool, referred to just as the Magic Wand, is one of the most seasoned frequency choices in Photoshop. Not at all like other Selection tools instruments that select pixels in a picture dependent on shapes or by recognizing object edges, has the Magic Wand chosen pixels to select on tone and shading. Numerous individuals will, in general, get baffled with the Magic Wand (giving it the "Magic wand") since it can now and then appear as though it's difficult to control which pixels the selection chooses. For image masking and photo retouching service magic wand tool is a vital tool.

In this tools exercise, we're going to look past the wand, find how the wand truly works, and figure out how to perceive the circumstances that can occur at the same time very helpful choice tools was intended for.

How to Use the Magic Wand Tool:

Select the Magic Wand tool:

In case you're utilizing Photoshop CS2 or prior, you can choose the Magic Wand just by tapping on its symbol in the Tools palette. In Photoshop CS3, Adobe presented the Quick Selection Tool and settled it in with the Magic Wand, so in case you're utilizing CS3 or later (I'm utilizing Photoshop CS5 here), you'll have to tap on the Quick Selection Tool in the Tools board and keep your mouse catch held down for a second or two until a fly-out menu shows up. Select the Magic Wand from the menu:


The "Enchantment" Behind the Wand: Before we take a gander at a genuine case of the Magic Wand in real life, we should perceive how the device functions and how there's actually nothing enchanted about it. Here's a straightforward picture I've made appearing dark to white slope isolated by a strong red even bar through its inside:

As I referenced, Photoshop's Magic Wand chooses pixels selection on tone and shading. When we click on territory in the picture with the apparatus, Photoshop takes a gander at the tone and shade of the zone we tapped on and chooses pixels that share a similar shading and brilliance esteems. This makes the Magic Wand uncommon at choosing huge zones of strong shading.

For instance, suppose I need to choose the even red bar. I should simply click anyplace on the red bar with the Magic Wand. Photoshop will see that I've tapped on a territory of red and will right away choose each pixel in the picture that shares that equivalent shade of red, adequately choosing the red bar for me just by tapping on it:


Tolerance in Photoshop:

The Tolerance choice discloses to Photoshop how extraordinary in tone and shading a pixel can be from the territory we tapped on for it to be incorporated into the choice. Of course, the Tolerance esteem is set to 32, which implies that Photoshop will choose any pixels that are a similar shading as the region we tapped on, in addition to any pixels that are up to 32 shades darker or 32 shades more brilliant. On account of my angle, which contains an aggregate of 256 tolerance levels between (and including) pure dark and pure white, Photoshop chose the whole scope of pixels that fell between 32 shades darker and 32 shades more splendid than the shade of dim I at first tapped on.

With Tolerance currently set twice as high as it was initially, in the event that I click with the Magic Wand on precisely the same focus spot in the inclination, Photoshop should now choose a zone twice as substantial as it did last time, since it will incorporate every one of the pixels that are between 64 shades darker and 64 shades lighter than the underlying shade of dim I click on. Beyond any doubt enough, that is the thing that we get. Tolerance is important when you work with shadow masking or model retouching service.

With Tolerance presently set twice as high as it was initially, in the event that I click with the Magic Wand on precisely the same focus spot in the slope, Photoshop should now choose a territory twice as vast as it did last time, since it will incorporate every one of the pixels that are between 64 shades darker and 64 shades lighter than the underlying shade of dim I click on. Beyond any doubt enough, that is the thing that we get:


With Tolerance set to 0, I'll click again on a similar spot in the focal point of the inclination, and this time, we get an extremely thin selection layout. Each pixel that is not a definite match to the particular shade of dim I tapped on is disregarded:

With Tolerance set to 0, I'll click again on a comparable spot in the point of convergence of the tendency, and this time, we get a very flimsy assurance format. Every pixel that is anything but a positive match to the specific shade of diminishing I tapped on is ignored:


The reason has to do with another imperative choice in the Options Bar - Contiguous. With Contiguous chose, all things considered as a matter of course, Photoshop will just choose pixels that fall inside the satisfactory tone and shading range controlled by the Tolerance choice and are next to each other in a similar region you tapped on. Any pixels that are inside the adequate Tolerance go however are isolated from the zone you tapped on by pixels that fall outside the Tolerance range won't be incorporated into the choice.


On account of my angles, the pixels in the base inclination that should generally have been incorporated into the determination were overlooked in light of the fact that they were cut off from the territory I tapped on by the pixels in the red bar which was not inside the Tolerance extend. How about we see what happens when I uncheck the Contiguous alternative. I'll additionally reset my Tolerance setting to its default estimation of 32.


Tolerance and Contiguous are the two choices that have the greatest effect on the Magic Wand, however, there are two or three different alternatives significant. Since the Magic Wand chooses pixels and pixels are square-formed, our selection edges can here and there seem disorderly and clumsy, regularly alluded to as a "stair venturing" impact. Photoshop can smooth out the edges by applying a slight haze to them, a procedure known as hostile to associating. We can turn hostile to associating for the Magic Wand on and off by checking or unchecking the favorite in the Options Bar. As a matter of course, it's empowered and much of the time you'll need to abandon it empowered:

How to configure the Photoshop Magic Wand tool:

How can you configure the Photoshop magic wand tool in your Pc, tablet or desktop for better work?

1. Choose the Magic Wand Tool in the Tools palette to the left of your screen, or type “W.”

2. If you see the Magic Wand Tool isn’t visible, it may be hidden behind the Quick Selection Tool.

In this case, click and hold on the Quick Selection Tool, and choose the Magic Wand Tool.

When you have the Magic Wand Tool chosen, you can alter a few parameters inside the instrument to control how much or how little is chosen at once.

At the highest point of your screen, you'll see the alternatives for modifying how the Magic Wand

Tool functions.

Single Selection:

This is the alternative you need to be chosen when you first utilize the Magic Wand Tool.

Add To Selection:

This you will get too naturally when you hold down SHIFT while utilizing the Magic Wand Tool.

Subtract from Selection: This enables you to expel pixels from your selection while tapping on a region of your choice.Cross with Selection: This makes another selection possible that just incorporates pixels from a past choice.

Test Size:

In more current renditions of Photoshop, you have the alternative to change your example estimate. As a matter of course, the Magic Wand Tool is set to choose just a single pixel's shading at once. Expanding the example estimate implies the Magic Wand Tool is averaging the shades of the pixels around the example into its choice criteria. In our model, the Sample Size has been left at Point Sample.


You can alter the Magic Wand Tool's Tolerance to choose a bigger region at any given moment. For the most part, you'll need to set your resilience somewhere close to 15 and 30. In this model, the Tolerance is set to 20.


This will help create a smoother edge to your selection. It is best to leave this checked.

For layer masking or extracting the object from the flat background, a magic wand tool is a great tool.

When you need to use Photoshop magic wand tool:

Figuring out how to choose and cover in Photoshop with the Magic Wand Tool is useful for business picture takers and web-based business vendors since it's a procedure that you can apply to your item photographs. Here is only a couple of situations where it proves to be useful.

Demonstrate your item in different situations:

Help your clients associate with your item sincerely by observing it in a delightful or natural setting while changing the foundation. This can likewise enable you to set up the picture for various target fragments, so you can swap out foundations that bode well for your gathering of people.

1. Select your item so you modify its size or shading without adjusting the setting in which it has been captured. This implies you can demonstrate distinctive shading variations for your item without taking different photographs.

2. Expel the foundation from an item photograph so your item emerges alone.

3. Make a white foundation picture with the goal that you can list your items on outsider commercial centers, similar to Amazon or eBay.



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